The water is wild. it’s moving so quickly and unpredictably that there’s only one sure way to steer: with your heart. Trust it.
Visit for the extended weekly Astro-Insight forecast.
Forecast for the week of July 1-7, 2013. 5:00 minutes. Please do not forward w/o copyright notice intact, which is: Text, recording & image © ℗ Kathy Biehl 2013. All Rights Reserved.
Listen to my podcast on your iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android and Kindle Fire. For Apple devices. get the free app Podcast Box, then search for the Astro-Insight app (it’s under Religion & Spirituality) and purchase it for $1.99. For Android and Kindle Fire, buy it directly from Amazon here!
The water’s rising. (Unbelievably; amazingly; yes.) The pace is quickening. (Ditto.) And Mercury’s going retrograde. Grab a floatie, a tube, your water wings, the ski harness, whatever. We’re heading for a wild ride.
Visit for the extended weekly Astro-Insight forecast and forecast for last weekend's Capricorn Full Moon.
Forecast for the week of June 24-30, 2013. 5:00 minutes. Please do not forward w/o copyright notice intact, which is: Text & recording © ℗ Kathy Biehl 2013: image 2012. All Rights Reserved.
Listen to my podcast on your iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android and Kindle Fire. For Apple devices. get the free app Podcast Box, then search for the Astro-Insight app (it’s under Religion & Spirituality) and purchase it for $1.99. For Android and Kindle Fire, buy it directly from Amazon here!
Summer’s here! Everyone into the water! Oh -- we’re already there.
Visit for the extended weekly Astro-Insight forecast and forecast for this weekend's Capricorn Full Moon.
Forecast for the week of June 17-23, 2013. 4:56 minutes. Please do not forward w/o copyright notice intact, which is: Text & recording © ℗ Kathy Biehl 2013: image 2011. All Rights Reserved.
Listen to my podcast on your iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android and Kindle Fire. For Apple devices. get the free app Podcast Box, then search for the Astro-Insight app (it’s under Religion & Spirituality) and purchase it for $1.99. For Android and Kindle Fire, buy it directly from Amazon here!
Now we’re getting somewhere. And soon, fast. Rushing emotional energy is carrying us all ahead, away, into each other’s arms, into the direction of our dreams and goals. Into wherever we are focusing -- so mind that, okay?
Visit for the extended weekly Astro-Insight forecast and forecast for this weekend's Gemini New Moon.
Forecast for the week of June 3, 2013. 6:00 minutes. Please do not forward w/o copyright notice intact, which is: Text & recording © ℗ Kathy Biehl 2013. Logo design by Noah Diamond. All Rights Reserved.
Listen to my podcast on your iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android and Kindle Fire. For Apple devices. get the free app Podcast Box, then search for the Astro-Insight app (it’s under Religion & Spirituality) and purchase it for $1.99. For Android and Kindle Fire, buy it directly from Amazon here!